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Our Story

Our Story


Our Story

Our Story

We are a community seeking to live the way of Jesus together and work for the peace & common good of our city.

Redeemer Central began in a living room in February 2009 with a group of people together asking the question; ‘What would it look like to be an expression of the church in Belfast today?’

What began in a living room continued to grow as we gathered in homes, restaurants, music venues and theatres across the city. Many more have joined with us and as the community grows the vision continues to be the same - to live out the story of Jesus in Belfast and seek to love and serve our city.

In 2012 we were given the use of a beautiful and historic venue right in the heart of the city at 101 Donegall Street.  Every week we gather there for our Sunday Gathering and during the week we gather around tables in homes sharing meals and life together in local expressions of Redeemer we call Tables.

Everyone is welcome at Redeemer — whether you are a seeker, doubter, lover or skeptic — and all have a place in our community. The best way to find out more about us is by coming to one of our gatherings. There you will meet people and experience a taste of community life of Redeemer.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me... and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
— Jesus

Values & Practices

A COMMUNITY United in Diversity

At Redeemer we seek to practice and live the simple way of Jesus together and, in our difference, we find ourselves united through his radical ethic of love.

The diversity of the human family is a reflection of God himself with each person made in his image. The theological term for this beautiful idea is Imago Dei. Everyone has a unique story and the dream of God is a ‘community of different's', the church being “a place where God is forming a family out of strangers.” (Stanley Hauerwas). Together this family united in Jesus is a beautiful picture of a flourishing humanity that looks like Jesus bringing grace, peace and justice to the world around.

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”
— Richard Rohr


Theology is a conversation to be engaged in, a wrestling with what it means to be human. Life is a journey and we are are invited to walk it together — the ancient scriptures guiding us, prayer fuelling our imaginations and practices shaping our very being.

The Creeds

As a community we confess these simple & beautiful summations of faith handed down from the earliest christian communities.

The Open Table

Everyone is welcome at the Table of Jesus. The invitation is ‘come and feast’. There is a seat waiting for you.

Explore some of the shaping ideas of our community by listening to the talks below:


Whether you are new to Redeemer or have been around for some time, we would love to know how we can serve you well and help connect you into the community. To find our more about us and connect further click here.

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Everyone is welcome at Redeemer. We are a family made up of all types of people from different walks of life and together we form community as the Redeemer family. In community we believe everyone has a role to play and we value the importance of team leadership. Redeemer is led and served by an amazing team of leaders and volunteers. 

Senior Leadership Team

David Armstrong

SLT Team Co-Leader, Worship & Teaching, Spiritual Formation, Pastoral Care

John Herron

Teaching, The Long Table


Daniel Saunders 

Justice & Compassion, Safeguarding, Policies & Finance, Venue Management

Stephanie Wilson

Teaching, Pastoral Care, The Long Table

Naomi Witherick | Senior Leader


David Armstrong

Staff Team Leader, Worship & Teaching, Spiritual Formation, Pastoral Care

Chloe Higginson

Children' & Families

Daniel Saunders 

Justice & Compassion, Safeguarding, Policies & Finance, Venue Management

Stephanie Wilson

Teaching, The Long Table



Tables & Gardens :: Intro

Tables & Gardens

In community, on mission

Tables & Gardens :: Intro

Tables & Gardens

In community, on mission

Tables & Gardens

In Community, on mission

At Redeemer we see church life encapsulated in the imagery of Tables & Gardens. Tables represent the rhythm of gathering. Gardens represent the work of planting. Churches in their simplest form are people that are in community and on mission together. The image of the table illustrates the gathering place where community is found and formed. The image of the garden illustrates the missional place where seeds of life are planted and grown.

We can think of all that we do as either table or garden. It’s that simple. Read on to learn more about the concrete, lived examples of Tables and Gardens in our community.





Room for everyone



Room for everyone


Room for everyone

The table is at the centre of every home. It is the focal gathering point, the place we come together to tell stories, share memories and enjoy food with one another. It is around tables where community is found and identify is formed. In the life of Jesus we see him frequently gathering around tables and sharing a meal with others. This is a beautiful image of the gathered church. The church is not an event but a community, a family and so this imagery of table informs our practice of creating safe and welcoming gathering places for belonging, for relationship and the sharing of life together.

At Redeemer we practice table primarily in two ways: our larger Sunday Gathering at 101 and our smaller Table groups in our homes. Sunday Gatherings are like a big table at the heart of our communal rhythm where every week we gather to connect with one another and share stories, prayers and songs as we worship Jesus. Our smaller Table groups are smaller expressions that gather in homes for food, relationship, storytelling and prayer. The best way to practice community in Redeemer is to join a Table group.

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Every week we host our Sunday Gathering at 101 Donegall Street — a time of worship, teaching and prayer for the whole community and everyone is welcome. If you are new to Redeemer this is the best place to connect, join us this Sunday your are so welcome.



Table groups gather regularly around a meal to form community, share life and practice the way of Jesus together. They gather in homes and public spaces across Belfast and the surrounding towns and villages. Each group is different but they all share a desire to make space at the table for everyone. No matter what age or stage of life, our hope is that everyone belongs to a Table.


Whether you are new to Redeemer or have been around for some time, we would love to know how we can serve you well and help connect you into the community. To find our more about us and connect further click here.







Build gardens not walls

Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce…seek the peace and prosperity of the city where I have sent you
— Jeremiah 29:5,7

A garden is a place of life and peace but it doesn’t grow by itself, it takes time and intentionality to cultivate with the end result being a place that flourishes with beauty. We believe this is a beautiful metaphor for the mission of the church.

We believe the church’s mission is to tend to the place it finds itself, in love and intentionality so that over time that place might become a haven for all people, a place of life, safety, blessing and peace. This is what Jesus means when he talks about the Kingdom of God.

Below are a few initiatves that the Redeemer community help tend to and our pray is they bless our city with the love and grace of Christ. Click below to find out more about each and get involved.


Farmbox is a community providing food parcels & support to those with experiencing food poverty.

101 Tots

101 Tots is a city-centre baby & toddler group located at 101 Donegall St ∙ Mondays, 10:30-12:30pm, Everyone Welcome.


The Long Table is a community meal every Friday (6-7pm) with room for everyone.


Lesser Heard is a storytelling event that aims to make room for the stories and voices that are often lesser heard in our communities.