





There is room at the table for everyone.

Tables gather regularly around a meal to form community, share life and practice the way of Jesus together.

a place where God is forming a family out of strangers.
— Stanley Hauerwas

They are small, local expressions of Redeemer Central that gather in homes across Belfast & surrounding towns & villages. Each Table group is different but they all share a desire to practice simple, intentional & inclusive community. No matter what age/stage of life there is room at the table for everyone.

Join a Table

If you are interested in joining a Table register your interest below:


A Table Group for those living in East Belfast, Holywood, Dundonald, Bangor, Newtownards, Comber etc.

  • Led by David & Beth Armstrong

  • Gathers: Wednesdays, weekly

  • Where: Various Homes in East Belfast


A Table Group for those living in South Belfast, Lisburn, Dromore, Saintfield, Banbridge etc.

  • Led by Kerry & Campbell Mulholland

  • Gathers: Weekly

  • Where: Kerry & Campbell Mulholland’s home in Saintfield

Saunders & McNeilly’s Table

A Table Group for those living in North Belfast, Mallusk, Templepatrick, Carrickfergus, Antrim, Ballymena etc.

  • Led by Naomi & Daniel Saunders and Lorraine & Paul McNeilly

  • Gathers: Twice a month

  • Where: Antrim & Ballymena area


Tables - Every Table is an Altar

Every table is an altar

Tables - Every Table is an Altar

Every table is an altar

Every table is an altar.

the primary focal practice of the human race is a meal
— Albert Borgmann

For thousands of years Jewish rabbis have taught that each table is an altar, a holy space that is simultaneously deeply sacred and yet incredibly wide open, a place where everyone is welcome.

When we look at the life of Jesus we see him frequently gathering around tables to share a meal with anyone he encountered. We also see him model to us the practice of table and radical inclusion, breaking bread with those who were so often excluded from the many exclusive tables set in the homes of the rich, powerful and privileged.

As people who follow Jesus we want to follow his example and open up our tables to one another and whoever would like to join us with the simple aim to provide a safe place for belonging, for community, for meaningful relationships and the sharing of normal life together. We do this knowing that each time we come together we experience encounter and are changed, never quite the same as when we arrived.