The Big Questions: 02 What about the Cross?

Crosses are everywhere. As NT Wright says “You can’t get away from it. It’s everywhere. In homes, in films, in paintings, in pop videos. Worn as an earring, as a necklace. Stitched or studded onto leather or denim. Tattooed onto skin.”

What comes to mind when you think about the cross? In this sermon, John Herron explores a number of historical atonement theories about the crucifixion of Jesus and shows us how the cross is ultimately the fullest revelation of a loving, reconciling, forgiving God. As Brian Zahnd says “The cross is not what God inflicts upon Jesus in order to forgive, but what God in Christ endures as he forgives.”.

  • Please note that unfortunately due to a technical error the very end of this sermon was not recorded.

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