Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love’ looking at the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14:12-24 of the great banquet feast which gives his disciples (and us) yet another surprising look again at the unique kind of Kingdom he is establishing.
David Armstrong continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in John 7:53-8:12 where a women caught in the act of adultery is brought before Jesus by religious leaders demanding that he give his verdict.
David Armstrong continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in Luke 7 between Jesus, the dying daughter of a religious leader and a women suffering with a chronic flow of blood.
David Armstrong begins a new series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the experience of Mary & Elizabeth as unlikely people, in an unlikely place encountering the God of Dreams and the God of Grace.
Jesus was a contemplative activist, but never a reactivist. Dan Saunders speaks about the way of compassion from Matthew 14.