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Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love’ looking at the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14:12-24 of the great banquet feast which gives his disciples (and us) yet another surprising look again at the unique kind of Kingdom he is establishing.

Liberated by Love (Part 5) - A Tale of Two Daughters

Liberated by Love (Part 5) - A Tale of Two Daughters

David Armstrong continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in Luke 7 between Jesus, the dying daughter of a religious leader and a women suffering with a chronic flow of blood.

Liberated by Love (Part 3) - The Widow's Son

Liberated by Love (Part 3) - The Widow's Son

David Armstrong begins a new series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the experience of Mary & Elizabeth as unlikely people, in an unlikely place encountering the God of Dreams and the God of Grace.