What begins as a story of imminent destruction ends with triumph and celebration. In Part 4, Stephanie Wilson calls us to a theology of advocacy and action, using the power, privilege, influence, and opportunity we have to seek the flourishing of all people, “for such a time as this.”
In Part 3, David Armstrong unpacks Esther’s courageous and strategic actions to save her people, showing how stepping into our own power enables us to speak up for those without a voice, trusting that hope and change are possible.
John Herron explores Esther chapters 3 & 4, where Haman plots to destroy the Jews. Mordecai urges Esther to intervene, challenging her with the powerful question: "Perhaps you were made queen for this."
David Armstrong begins our exploration of the Book of Esther, a captivating narrative from the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament and delves into themes of fear, identity, and resilience.
We explore the power of stories, reflecting upon the narrative we are living in and the invitation to embrace that we are all sacred, created in God’s image, and invited to live authentically in the story of His grace.