The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. Jesus ultimate agenda was coming to humanity to reveal what God is actually like — a seamless, dynamic, interwoven community of love that sits at the centre of all things — and the invitation to us to participate in that love and allow it to shape who we are.
David Armstrong speaks on Trinity Sunday and the remarkable invitation we have to experience and participate in the loving communion of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.
David Armstrong speaks on GØD as Father from Luke 15 and the radical countercultural parable of The Prodigal Son' reframing it as "The Parable of the Compassionate Father".
Stephanie Wilson continues our mini series on Pentecost Sunday celebrating the friendship of the Holy Spirit and inviting us to contend for more of a Spirit filled life to bring healing to the City and the Nation.
The week, David Armstrong kicks off our mini-series on the Trinity, introducing us to some of the background of the Jewish understanding of God and moving on to talking about Jesus, the son.