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Liberated by Love (Part 17) - Thomas

Liberated by Love (Part 17) - Thomas

Stephanie Wilson speaks on the encounter between the disciple Thomas and the resurrected Jesus. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 16) - Peter

Liberated by Love (Part 16) - Peter

David Armstrong speaks on the encounter between Simon Peter and Jesus found in John 21 where we discover disappointment is never the final word when grace is present. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 15) - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

Liberated by Love (Part 15) - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

John Herron shows how the small and, at first, seemingly insignificant story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch from Acts 8 demonstrates just how vast and inclusive the Kingdom of God is. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’

Liberated by Love (Part 14) - The Emmaus Road

Liberated by Love (Part 14) - The Emmaus Road

With a message on Easter Sunday Stephanie Wilson looks at the story of the two disciples travelling away from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus who are joined on the journey by a stranger who helps them process all that has happened in the week that has been.

Embrace the mystery (Guest: Jason Miller)


Embrace the mystery (Guest: Jason Miller)

Our friend and guest Jason Miller explores this simple yet profound paradox — the closer we move to the centre of faith the more elusive and mysterious it seems. God cannot be put in a box or category yet has been revealed in a very particular way in time and place... in the person of Christ. The invitation is to embrace the mystery.

Jason Miller is a pastor, an artist, and a gifted teacher from South Bend, Indiana. He leads South Bend City Church, a community that seeks to practice the way of Jesus as they wrestles with the tensions of ancient faith in a modern world. You can follow his work at


Holy Habits 01: The Practise of Faith

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Holy Habits 01: The Practise of Faith

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. David Armstrong begins the series looking at 'The Practice of Faith' encouraging us to be people that use doubt and deconstruction only as doorways into new ways of being, of looking upward, seeking ultimate reality, and hoping for things yet unseen.

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