The Resurrection is not a happy ending. It doesn't depend on you or need your permission. The resurrection sees Christ standing in the garden alive speaking your name and a word of possibility laced with grace, love and hope.
Weekly talks from Redeemer Central.
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The Resurrection is not a happy ending. It doesn't depend on you or need your permission. The resurrection sees Christ standing in the garden alive speaking your name and a word of possibility laced with grace, love and hope.
David Armstrong teaches on the events of Palm Sunday and the moment Jesus project goes public. In one act of parody he exposes abusive power for what it is; fearful, insecure, oppressive and violent…and simultaneously embodies a very different kind of alternative power of the Kingdom of God… co-suffering love expressed in humility and forgiveness
Stephanie Wilson speaks on the encounter between the disciple Thomas and the resurrected Jesus. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.
David Armstrong speaks on the encounter between Simon Peter and Jesus found in John 21 where we discover disappointment is never the final word when grace is present. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.
John Herron shows how the small and, at first, seemingly insignificant story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch from Acts 8 demonstrates just how vast and inclusive the Kingdom of God is. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’
With a message on Easter Sunday Stephanie Wilson looks at the story of the two disciples travelling away from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus who are joined on the journey by a stranger who helps them process all that has happened in the week that has been.
David Armstrong continues our ‘Encountering Jesus’ series— stories from the gospels on the road to easter. He preaches from Matthew. 4 and Jesus temptation in the wilderness.
David Armstrong begins a new series during Lent entitled ‘Encountering Jesus’ — stories from the gospels on the road to easter. He preaches from Mark 8 as Jesus predicts his death to his disciples and calls them to the life of discipleship, taking up their crosses and following him.
Easter Sunday: The focus of our faith, the joy of resurrection life! David Armstrong brings us a one-off on moving through the periods of our life which reflect the feelings of Good Friday and Easter Saturday, to the celebration of Easter Sunday.