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Fasting 05 - Q&A

Fasting 05 - Q&A

David, Armstrong, John Herron & Stephanie Wilson discuss the series on fasting and share some of their learning along the way.

Fasting 04 - To Stand With The Poor

Fasting 04 - To Stand With The Poor

In Part 4 Stephanie Wilson shows us the connection between fasting and justice - how this simple practice of giving away the money we would have spent on ourselves has the potential to transform not only the lives of the poor, but also our own lives and communities.

Fasting 03 - To Amplify Our Prayers

Fasting 03 - To Amplify Our Prayers

In Part 3 John Herron helps us see the role fasting has in both hearing God and being heard by God. When prayer and fasting link arms, it’s often the tipping point in the struggle to release God’s Kingdom, on earth as it is in heaven.

Fasting 02 - To Grow in Holiness

Fasting 02 - To Grow in Holiness

In Part 2 David Armstrong shares how fasting has many physical benefits for our bodies that mirror how it benefits our souls.

Fasting 01 - Offering Ourselves to Jesus

Fasting 01 - Offering Ourselves to Jesus

In this first teaching David Armstrong looks at how Fasting is one of the best disciplines we have to reintegrate our mind to our body, and offer our whole selves to God in surrender.

Practicing Presence with Perspective

Practicing Presence with Perspective

David Armstrong continues our series looking at how a change of perspective is key if we are to experience the power and reality of God’s presence in our lives and thrive in a self obsessed secular age. 

Holy Habits 05: The Practise of Fasting


Holy Habits 05: The Practise of Fasting

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. As we begin the season of Lent David Armstrong continues the series looking at 'The Practice of Fasting' encouraging us to create space in our lives in order that we can feast on and nourish ourselves in Jesus as the bread of life.
