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Holy Habits 09: The Practise of Prayer III - Listening


Holy Habits 09: The Practise of Prayer III - Listening

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Stephanie Wilson shares on the practice of prayer as listening and the intentional pursuit of hearing from God


Holy Habits 08: The Practise of Prayer II - Forming and Fighting


Holy Habits 08: The Practise of Prayer II - Forming and Fighting

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Ryan Hawthorne uses the images of prayer as both an anchor and a kite to help us see how God uses prayer to change both us and the world, giving practical recommendations for embedding it in our lives.


Holy Habits 07: The Practise of Prayer I - Abiding


Holy Habits 07: The Practise of Prayer I - Abiding

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Daniel Saunders looks at the practice of "prayer and abiding" in John 15:1-17 where Jesus describes himself as the true vine and calls his disciples to remain in him.


Holy Habits 06: The Practice of Scripture


Holy Habits 06: The Practice of Scripture

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Continuing in the season of Lent, our friend and guest speaker Glen Mitchell dives into 'The Practice of Scripture', unpacking Jesus' example of understanding his identity and fighting temptation with the Scriptures.


Holy Habits 05: The Practise of Fasting


Holy Habits 05: The Practise of Fasting

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. As we begin the season of Lent David Armstrong continues the series looking at 'The Practice of Fasting' encouraging us to create space in our lives in order that we can feast on and nourish ourselves in Jesus as the bread of life.


Holy Habits 04: The Practise of Service

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Holy Habits 04: The Practise of Service

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. David Armstrong continues the series looking at 'The Practice of Service ' and encourages us to follow the teachings and example of Jesus by living with a posture of servanthood, looking beyond ourselves to the needs of others and at the same time experiencing true freedom.

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Holy Habits 03: The Practise of Sabbath


Holy Habits 03: The Practise of Sabbath

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Ryan Hawthorne continues the series looking at 'The Practice of Sabbath' encouraging us to rest and worship; to take a deep breath in the freedom of the Sabbath.


Holy Habits 02: The Practise of Gratitude


Holy Habits 02: The Practise of Gratitude

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. Stephanie Wilson continues the series looking at 'The Practice of Gratitude' encouraging us to be people that adopt a posture of ongoing thankfulness for life.


Holy Habits 01: The Practise of Faith

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Holy Habits 01: The Practise of Faith

Holy Habits' is a series that looks at some of the key practices that help us experience change and transformation, forming us on the road of becoming more like Jesus. David Armstrong begins the series looking at 'The Practice of Faith' encouraging us to be people that use doubt and deconstruction only as doorways into new ways of being, of looking upward, seeking ultimate reality, and hoping for things yet unseen.

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