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Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love’ looking at the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14:12-24 of the great banquet feast which gives his disciples (and us) yet another surprising look again at the unique kind of Kingdom he is establishing.

Liberated by Love (Part 5) - A Tale of Two Daughters

Liberated by Love (Part 5) - A Tale of Two Daughters

David Armstrong continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in Luke 7 between Jesus, the dying daughter of a religious leader and a women suffering with a chronic flow of blood.

The Upside Down | Part 5: Blessed are the merciful


The Upside Down | Part 5: Blessed are the merciful

Our guest and friend, Jarrod McKenna joins us this week to continue our series on the beatitudes, with Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. - Matt. 5:7. Pastor, activist and co-founder of First Home Project, Jarrod is well-placed to teach us about what mercy looks like and how God's people can show the mercy of God to others.
