This Sunday, friend and founder of the TOBAR network, Alaine Emmerson returns with teaching from Ezekiel 47, where he draws out valuable lessons for Redeemer.
Weekly talks from Redeemer Central.
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Sunday Sermons
This Sunday, friend and founder of the TOBAR network, Alaine Emmerson returns with teaching from Ezekiel 47, where he draws out valuable lessons for Redeemer.
This Sunday we were excited to welcome back Jarrod McKenna. Jarrod is the co-founder of First Home Project, a community welcoming, housing and “giving a hand up not a hand out” to recently arrived refugees, was a part of initiating the LoveMakesAWay movement, and is a peace award winning nonviolent social change trainer.
Daniel Saunders continues our series in Ruth - a book about ordinary people doing ordinary things.
Daniel interviews Rosie about Home for Good, a Charity working to find families and homes for children.
David Armstrong begins our series in Ruth in Chapter 1 which examines the love that Ruth had towards her mother-in-law Naomi and how that love challenges us today to be a people that love well and embrace the other.
Jill Weber - Jill leads us in asking the question “What is my heart set on?”. A beautiful message from Psalm 84.
Jason Miller - This week’s teaching wrestles with the complicated nature of desire, focusing on Jesus’s surprising interaction with a beggar in Mark 10.
David Armstrong continues our series INTRO that explores what makes us Redeemer. This week he speaks about Tables and how the table practice of Jesus informs the table practice of the church and the shape of church community as a whole.
Ryan Hawthorne continues our new series called Intro that explores what makes us Redeemer.
In the second part Ryan speaks about the idea of the presence of God, and explores a sacramental way of seeing the world.
David Armstrong begins a new series called Intro that is a great introduction to our community and explores what makes us Redeemer.
In the first part David speaks about the significance of stories and how we all live in a story whether we realise it or not. Stories provide meaning and help us make sense of the world but they don't always lead to flourishing. The narratives we are immersed in can be either liberating or enslaving. It is only when our story intersects with the story of God that we quickly become aware of the fictions and can begin to live our true story as our true selves.
A wrap-up of the series with a conversation between David Armstrong, Stephanie Wilson and Ryan Hawthorne.
Stephanie Wilson reads from the final letter to the church in Laodicea. The letter talks about moving away from self sufficiency and towards dependency on Jesus.
David Armstrong continues our series Revelation: Se7en Letters with the letter to the church in Philadelphia that calls us to hold fast to the faithful, self-sacrifice way of Jesus.
Daniel Saunders continues our series Revelation: Se7en Letters with the letter to the church in Sardis.
This week Ryan Hawthorne looks at the letter to the church in Thyatira and challenges us to consider if we have compromised our faithfulness to Jesus in these interesting times we live.
Stephanie Wilson continues our series Revelation: Se7en Letters with the letter to the church in Smyrna.
Ryan Hawthorne opens our new series Revelation: Se7en Letters with the letter to the church in Ephesus and calls us back to our first love.
David Armstrong speaks on GØD as Father from Luke 15 and the radical countercultural parable of The Prodigal Son' reframing it as "The Parable of the Compassionate Father".
Stephanie Wilson continues our mini series on Pentecost Sunday celebrating the friendship of the Holy Spirit and inviting us to contend for more of a Spirit filled life to bring healing to the City and the Nation.
The week, David Armstrong kicks off our mini-series on the Trinity, introducing us to some of the background of the Jewish understanding of God and moving on to talking about Jesus, the son.
This week David Armstrong continues our series on Kingdom Ways with the way of Hospitality. Explaining the power that hospitality can hold and how it is a weapon of love to be used against our enemies, he encourages us to offer a more radically freedom-giving version of hospitality to those around us.