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Sunday Sermons

The Very Good Gospel (Part 6): Shalom & Race

The Very Good Gospel (Part 6): Shalom & Race

David Armstrong looks at how the Gospel of shalom informs and shapes how we think about issues of race, ethnicity, nationality and empire and how the way of Jesus calls us to a different way: the Kingdom of Peace.

The Very Good Gospel (Part 5): Shalom & Families

The Very Good Gospel (Part 5): Shalom & Families

Stephanie Wilson considers what the Gospel of shalom means for our families and relationships to those closest to us. However, perhaps more importantly the Gospel of Good News also wants to reshape and broaden our view of what family actually is and call us to create places of belonging and relationships across all societal boundaries — welcoming one and all into the family of God. Stephanie shares what this might mean for our community in Redeemer and the parish we live in, in Donegall Street and beyond.

The Very Good Gospel (Part 4): Shalom & Self

The Very Good Gospel (Part 4): Shalom & Self

Stephanie Wilson looks at what the Gospel of shalom and wholeness might mean for living at peace with who we are and who God made us to be. Drawing from the story of Hagar we find the root of our shalom comes from a compassionate and kind God who sees us.

The Very Good Gospel (Part 3): Shalom & God

The Very Good Gospel (Part 3): Shalom & God

David Armstrong — drawing from the story of Jesus encounter with the Samaritan Woman in the Gospel of John (Chapter 4) — explores the deep human longing in all of us for home and how that leads us to relationship and knowing God - the source of all life.

The Very Good Gospel (Part 2): A Glimpse of Shalom

The Very Good Gospel (Part 2): A Glimpse of Shalom

Stephanie Wilson —drawing on the image of shalom and goodness from our origins story in the book of Genesis — shows how this is the blueprint of what the Kingdom of God looks like and calls us to in our world today.

The Very Good Gospel (Part 1): Shalom

The Very Good Gospel (Part 1): Shalom

David Armstrong begins the series with a beautiful vision of the gospel as restoration and wholeness for a broken and fragmented world and contrasts this with the small, limited 'gospel' that is so often preached from soap boxes and plastered on the walls of our city.

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 5

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 5

David Armstrong continues the series Encounters with the Risen Christ looking at another personal moment between Jesus and a disciple. In John 21 Jesus speaks words of grace and life to Peter, freeing him from the old world that had him stuck and inviting him into a new world of possibilities in the Kingdom.

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 3

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 3

David Armstrong speaks about the impact of COVID on life including church life and — drawing on the words of Jesus to Mary in John 20 — points a way forward, encouraging us to follow Jesus into the new world.

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 2

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 2

David Armstrong continues our series 'Encounters with the Risen Jesus' looking at the attentive presence of Jesus towards Mary Magdalene as she sees him through her tears and grief.

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 1

Encounters with the Risen Jesus: Part 1

David Armstrong begins 'Encounters with the Risen Jesus' looking at the terrifying reality of Easter... an invitation to dare to hope in the power of God to raise dead things to life, and to live that out here and now.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 6

Encounters with Jesus: Part 6

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong continues 'Encounters with Jesus' with a reflection on Palm Sunday, the anticipation and arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem as he begins the week of his passion and the events of Good Friday.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 5

Encounters with Jesus: Part 5

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong continues 'Encounters with Jesus' with Jesus call to his disciples to live the way of the cross everyday, and enter into the great paradox of the Kingdom of God: that through death comes abundant life and joy.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 4

Encounters with Jesus: Part 4

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong continues 'Encounters with Jesus' with a reflection on the love of God from John 15 and the call for followers of Jesus to bear the fruit of love in their lives, a love that flows from our connection and friendship with Jesus.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 3

Encounters with Jesus: Part 3

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong continues 'Encounters with Jesus' with the third and final of Jesus temptations in the wilderness showing that the way of the Kingdom of God comes not by power or force but by the way of self-sacrificial love, seen clearest at the cross.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 2

Encounters with Jesus: Part 2

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong continues exploring the story of Jesus temptations in the Judean wilderness. The second temptation sees Jesus demonstrate that the Kingdom of God comes instead in small, slow and ordinary ways as an invitation to a deep relationship and not shallow spectacle.

Encounters with Jesus: Part 1

Encounters with Jesus: Part 1

Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.

David Armstrong begins our new series 'Encounters with Jesus'. looking at the first temptation of Jesus in the wilderness and the invitation to find nourishment for our souls in the story of God.

Look for the Light: Part 6

Look for the Light: Part 6

Join us for a new series, 'Look for the Light: An Epiphany Series' that calls for us to slow down during this season of Epiphany in 2021 and to pay attention to the divine presence of God.

David Armstrong finishes our Epiphany series 'Look for the Light' with the story from Mark 9 of the transfiguration of Jesus. The brightness of Christ is our hope and light amidst the gloom and darkness of life and points to God's good future for this world.

Look for the Light: Part 5

Look for the Light: Part 5

Join us for a new series, 'Look for the Light: An Epiphany Series' that calls for us to slow down during this season of Epiphany in 2021 and to pay attention to the divine presence of God.

David Armstrong continues our series 'Look for the Light' with part 5 from the Gospel of Mark. Jesus begins his ministry preaching and embodying the good news of the Kingdom of God with a series of healings throughout. Galilee. Today we are reminded his gospel is one of bringing wholeness and liberation here and no, no matter our circumstances.

Look for the Light: Part 4

Look for the Light: Part 4

Join us for a new series, 'Look for the Light: An Epiphany Series' that calls for us to slow down during this season of Epiphany in 2021 and to pay attention to the divine presence of God.

In Part 4 David Armstrong speaks from Mark 1: 14-20 and encourages us to place a ruthless trust in Jesus.