Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.
David Armstrong continues exploring the story of Jesus temptations in the Judean wilderness. The second temptation sees Jesus demonstrate that the Kingdom of God comes instead in small, slow and ordinary ways as an invitation to a deep relationship and not shallow spectacle.
Encounters with Jesus is a Lenten Journey on the road to Easter, joining us in solidarity with Christ and carving open space within us for the life of God to spring forth.
David Armstrong begins our new series 'Encounters with Jesus'. looking at the first temptation of Jesus in the wilderness and the invitation to find nourishment for our souls in the story of God.
Join us for a new series, 'Look for the Light: An Epiphany Series' that calls for us to slow down during this season of Epiphany in 2021 and to pay attention to the divine presence of God.
David Armstrong finishes our Epiphany series 'Look for the Light' with the story from Mark 9 of the transfiguration of Jesus. The brightness of Christ is our hope and light amidst the gloom and darkness of life and points to God's good future for this world.
Join us for a new series, 'Look for the Light: An Epiphany Series' that calls for us to slow down during this season of Epiphany in 2021 and to pay attention to the divine presence of God.
David Armstrong continues our series 'Look for the Light' with part 5 from the Gospel of Mark. Jesus begins his ministry preaching and embodying the good news of the Kingdom of God with a series of healings throughout. Galilee. Today we are reminded his gospel is one of bringing wholeness and liberation here and no, no matter our circumstances.