NATIONAL – What’s going on in Northern Ireland?

Day 5 – Join the Conversation

There are lots of great local organisations doing wonderful work to advocate for nature in N. Ireland – today we’re going to think about how we can support what they’re already doing!



We thank-you for all the wonderful advocates working in third-sector organisations or voluntarily who are protecting the amazing natural beauty and diversity of this country. Please bless their work.


Today’s Action

Subscribe and follow

Why not fill your feed or your inbox with updates and campaigns from the many wonderful environmental groups working within N. Ireland? You could subscribe to their mailing list or follow them on your chosen social platforms. Some suggestions below:

Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland | RSPB

FossilFreeNI | Ulster Wildlife

Future Action Suggestion

Many of the groups have in person meet-ups, volunteering and activism opportunities – you take even more action by getting involved with one of those! Some links below:

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