NATIONAL – What’s going on in Northern Ireland?
Day 6 – Help Save Lough Neagh
Today we are focusing on one key feature of N. Ireland’s landscape – the biggest freshwater lake in Britain and Ireland. It’s worth looking at because despite its special status - it's a globally important Ramsar site, a European Special Protection Area, and a Northern Ireland Area of Special Scientific Interest – it is showing signs of collapse. If we can’t club together to save one of the jewels in our crown so to speak, what kind of precedent does that set for the rest of our countryside?
Thank you for the amazing beauty and unique natural landmarks we have been given here in N. Ireland. Please help us to steward these places well. Please heal Lough Neagh and bring wisdom and creative solutions to those in charge of looking after it.
Today’s Action
Sign the petition below to voice your concern for Lough Neagh and speak up against the unlawful dredging that is contributing to its decay:
Future Action Suggestion
Think about what natural spaces mean to you and your family. What steps could you take to actively protect it – perhaps you could organise a litter pick or undertake a wildlife survey?