Table Leaders… this post is for you! Please do take the time to read this post through. With Tables launching this month we want to walk you through some essentials that will help you. We’ll explain how they’ll be organised practically and answer questions some of you have been asking.

The Big Idea - If you haven’t checked out the Overview of tables yet, then you can do so here.

What happens at a Table Gathering?

Table Liturgy

We use a liturgy as a framework for our gathering, which includes 4 movements and allows many voices to participate: Communion, Highs & Lows, Conversation, Response

Collective Reading

Throughout Season #1, Tables will be exploring the book, “The Good and Beautiful God” by James Bryan Smith. We all have formed ideas about God as we have journeyed through life that affect our viewpoint of Him, some are true - but many are false. James Bryan Smith believes that these thoughts determine not only who we are, but how we live.

“This deep, loving and transformative book will help you discover the narratives that Jesus lived by, and to practise spiritual exercises that will help you grow in the knowledge of our good and beautiful God.”


Tables take place twice-a-month and in two seasons-per-year (Oct-Jan, Mar-June) because we value the importance of simple, sustainable rhythms that give us life and not busy calendars with hectic schedules.


Tables are intentional gathering spaces — ideally sharing a meal together. The ask is that your Table would share a meal together at least once a month. As Tables are inclusive we encourage everyone to get involved and bring something to share. We recommend using WhatsApp to communicate with your Table and organise what to bring. Your table is an extension of the Redeemer Family and as family we all pitch in. Our Table Liturgy includes a final reminder to, '“love your hosts well, and help clean up their home before you leave.”

Guiding the Conversation

If you are comfortable a different leader or an able participant could guide the conversation each week. To help the conversation flow it will be helpful to have familiarised yourself with the content, working through the chapter for that week. Each chapter corresponds to a discussion guide that can be located towards the back of the book that can be used as a loose framework.

Pastoral Care

Tables should be places where we share the highs and lows of life together, supporting each other and showing practical displays of love. It is appreciated that there may be some larger issues that you may become aware of as Table leaders and feel ill equipped to deal with. If this is the case then please contact a member of the Pastoral Care Team.


  1. How does someone join a table?

    There are two ways in which someone can join a Table. They can sign up online through the groups directory or they can email and we can plug them into a Table.

  2. What is the optimum size for a table

    To enable an encourage participation we try to keep each group around 14 people. This number takes into account a few limiting features such as, meeting in homes, space around a table and ease of discussion.

  3. Should we eat a meal at every table gathering?

    The ask is that your Table would share a meal together at least once a month. This does not mean that you are solely responsible for the meal. Encourage your group to get involved and pitch in by bringing sides, mains, desserts or drinks.

A Video Guide to Planning Centre

Using Groups on Planning Centre

In this video, you will see a short walkthrough of how to use ‘Groups’ on Planning Centre.

  • Click on the link at the bottom of labeled "Table Leaders Login," or head to

  • Login into Planning Centre - (if you don't have an account then get in touch)

  • Keep your group up to date via the Settings Tab on the Left-hand side.

  • To ensure that you keep everyone in the group informed use "Email all members" button, - don't rely solely on Whatsapp as you may miss a newcomer.

Joining a table

In this video, you will see a step by step demonstration of the process of enroling in a Table.

  • Log on to

  • Select "View all Tables."

  • Click on the desired Table

  • Click on "Join this group."

  • Enter Email address and send the request.

To accept a table request

In this video, you will see a step by step demonstration of the process of accepting a request to join your table.

  • Check your email

  • Click on the "New member request" email

  • Select "View group request." (login to planning centre - see the previous video)

  • Write response email and send

  • The person has been added to your Table

Adding events & locations

In this video, you will see a step by step demonstration of the process of how to add an event to your group calendar as well as setting the location of your Table.

Adding an event

  • Select "Events" tab on the LHS

  • Click on "Create a new event."

  • Fill in the relevant details to your group and the date of your next table gathering (make sure you put the times in 24-hour clock)

  • Change the repeat function to 'Monthly' and from the "On the" drop down box select the "Second and Fourth" option

  • Use the "Repeat until" option to automatically fill out the rest of the dates for your group

  • You still need to save the event (which can be done after adding a location).

Adding a location

  • In the location section, select your location, if it's not available, then "Create a new location."

  • Fill in the details and type in the first line of your address, selecting the right option from the suggested addresses (you can replace the pin if required)

  • Save the Location, and you will we able to use this location from now on.

  • To finish creating your event, type a brief description of the night and then click on "Create Event."

Deleting an event

  • To delete a date in the diary, select the night in question, edit the event and scroll to the bottom of the webpage, then click on "delete the event."

