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WKOC5: A Kingdom-Oriented Church

WKOC5: A Kingdom-Oriented Church

David Armstrong teaches on what it means to be a church community shaped and oriented firstly by the values of the Kingdom of God.

WKOC2: An Ancient/Future Church

WKOC2: An Ancient/Future Church

As followers of Jesus we invited to locate ourselves in a bigger story, the story of God. This is a story with ancient roots that is still unfolding, and we are invited to embody and live out.

WKOC1: A Jesus-Centred Church

WKOC1: A Jesus-Centred Church

As we begin another church season David Armstrong begins a series that explores some of the values that give shape to our community.

Liberated by Love (Part 25) - Stephen

Liberated by Love (Part 25) - Stephen

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 6 & 7 on the example of Stephen who prayed for the forgiveness of the people who were stoning him to death. This radical love ethic is not easy but it is the way of Jesus flowing from a God who is love.

Liberated by Love (Part 24) - Called & Empowered

Liberated by Love (Part 24) - Called & Empowered

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 5 & 6 on the challenges emerging for this new community of Jesus and how, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they each responded to the call of Jesus.

Liberated by Love (Part 23) - Foundation & Formation

Liberated by Love (Part 23) - Foundation & Formation

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 2 starting with Peter’s remarkable spirit-led sermon on the Day of Pentecost that led to the birth of the church. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 10) - The Rich Young Ruler

Liberated by Love (Part 10) - The Rich Young Ruler

Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in between Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Luke 18:18-30) and the call to trust in the abundance of God over the fear of scarcity.

Advent - Part 3

Advent - Part 3

Scott Witherick finishes our Advent series at our Carols by Candlelight gathering looking at the experience of Mary pregnant with Jesus and holding onto hope in the waiting.

Advent - Part 1

Advent - Part 1

David Armstrong begins our Advent series looking at how this season contains both a divine invitation and a divine interruption.