The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. Jesus ultimate agenda was coming to humanity to reveal what God is actually like — a seamless, dynamic, interwoven community of love that sits at the centre of all things — and the invitation to us to participate in that love and allow it to shape who we are.
Stephanie Wilson teaches on what it means to be church as family.
David Armstrong concludes our series Liberated by Love looking at the call of Jesus to his followers to continue the work he began, bearing witness to this new reality of the Kingdom of God in the world.
David Armstrong speaks from Acts 6 & 7 on the example of Stephen who prayed for the forgiveness of the people who were stoning him to death. This radical love ethic is not easy but it is the way of Jesus flowing from a God who is love.
David Armstrong speaks from Acts 5 & 6 on the challenges emerging for this new community of Jesus and how, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they each responded to the call of Jesus.
Ruth Hasan continues our summer series - Community Voices
Ian Ryans continues our summer series - Community Voices
Kerry and Campbell Mulholland continue our summer series - Community Voices
Ben Webb continues our summer series - Community Voices
John Heron continues our new summer series - Community Voices
Scott Witherick begins our new summer series - Community Voices
David Armstrong continues our series INTRO that explores what makes us Redeemer. This week he speaks about Tables and how the table practice of Jesus informs the table practice of the church and the shape of church community as a whole.
This week David Armstrong continues our series on the power of words with 'Words of Encouragement' - Focussing on Jesus' words to Peter in John 21, Dave exhorts us to become a community which is deeply encouraging.
Ryan Hawthorne completes the series ‘Resident Aliens’ looking at the church as a community of future and our collective purpose to be an image of the glorious future in the kingdom of God. This series ‘Resident Aliens’ explores the idea of the church living in a strange age. Over the six talks we looked at the communal identity of the church, why it matters and what it's for.
David Armstrong asks the question "What time is it, Redeemer?" and shares insight into the season we are being led int as a community - one of seeking the face of God in prayer. To help with this we remember the ancient way of the Celtic Christians who, instead of forcing their agenda, paid attention to what was already happening and stewarded that... much like a farmer stewards the land in season. (This is the second part of a two part talk). This series ‘Resident Aliens’ explores the idea of the church living in a strange age. Over the six talks we looked at the communal identity of the church, why it matters and what it's for
David Armstrong continues the series ‘Resident Aliens’ looking at the church as a community of the ancient and how the counter-intuitive way of Jesus hides our future inside our history. The call for the church then is to rediscover those ancient paths and walk in them, learning particularly from our own Celtic spiritual history in Ireland. (This is the first part of a two part talk). This series ‘Resident Aliens’ explores the idea of the church living in a strange age. Over the six talks we looked at the communal identity of the church, why it matters and what it's for. Note: Unfortunately the recording of the excellent talk given by Stephanie Wilson on 3 June 2018 entitled "Resident Aliens: Part 4 - A Community of Differents" is not available due to recording difficulties. Apologies.
The Resident Aliens series explores six aspects of the church living in a strange world. In this episode, Daniel Saunders continues with Part 3: A Community of Embrace
Ryan Hawthorne continues the series ‘Resident Aliens’ looking at the church as a community of death and the call to follow Jesus example of a sacrificial, cruciform way of life. This new series ‘Resident Aliens’ explores the idea of the church living in a strange age. Over six talks we'll look at the communal identity of the church, why it matters and what it's for.
This new series ‘Resident Aliens’ explores the idea of the church living in a strange age. Over six talks we'll look at the communal identity of the church, why it matters and what it's for. David Armstrong begins looking at the church as a community in exile in a digital Babylon age.